Signs Of The Zodiac Poem by Joe Fraccalvieri

Signs Of The Zodiac

Rating: 5.0


You're the misty blue from the sky above
The hopes and dreams... The promise of love

And you pour your soul upon the land
as you ride the waves across the sand

With the spirit of flight at your beck and call
You can usher in the night-- stars and all....


Salt of the ocean... Scent of the sea...
The stars are in motion and Truth is the key!

You gaze toward the skies-- at the clouds rolling by...
Nothing escapes the scrutiny of your eyes
You separate reality-- wrong from right-- black and white

And as the day becomes night with the moon shining bright
the stars in the heavens fall from your sight


Red sun rises quickly through early morning mist
as you awaken from a dream of last night's lips you kissed

Your lover lies beside you-- amid the satin sheets
And you're gently held in loving arms with a smile that sunlight greets


Strong-willed… Filled with desire…
Tempered steel from the forge's fire

Malleable but dependable-- you can pass the toughest test
as long as you're prone to do your very best


Hand-in-hand we walk this land Divided we fall... United we stand

We are like two hearts-- beating as one...
Like planets holding orbits around our fiery sun

You are for me And I am for you... How sad...
That in all the world-- we are so few


The sound of the sea... A touch of white sand...
A walk through the forest... A kiss on the hand

Like a breath of fresh air
and the scent of summer's flowers
Sweet memories linger...
for hours, and hours


Golden opportunity…
Gold in precious jewelry

A heavenly street-- a stalk of wheat...
Your presence makes the bitter sweet

Not a thousand glowing stars casting down their ageless light
can outshine the beauty within you
that you bring to the darkest night…
You're the sun with its blinding power-- with each hour-- every burning ray
Refreshing as an evening shower-- whose drops of rain sustain each flower
You are the brightest part of the day


The green beauty of the ocean-- the blue vastness of the sky--
with a single, soothing motion-- as quick as the blink of an eye
You travel past the planets-- past the stars that shine above

There is nothing you wouldn't do
to reach the one you love


Leisurely stroll through a country lane--
Smell the freshness of autumn on the wind-- in the rain

With your feet on the ground and your eyes to the skies
You listen for the sound
to know truth from the lies


In the emptiness of inner-space your spirit wanders free…
You take solace from the human race
lying back on blades of grass-- in the shade of a cherry tree
where the planets are firmly set in place-- or where the deserts meet the sea...
You trace a path which time can't erase nor hide the wide-eyed look on your face
as you drop to your knee-- to study the flight of a bumble bee


The archer in you has hit its mark Side-by-side
with the one you love you ride on horseback
through the pitch-black park

Swift like a sparrow-- Free as a lark…
The shaft of love's arrow
strikes deep in the marrow of hearts in the dark
while the flames of romance, if given the chance
and the mood is just right for this night to embark,
will ignite with the light of a single bright spark!


You search everything good that would be understood
in things worthy and noble and true

You look in the deserts-- the lakes and trees--
in the grass and the rocks and the dew...

The rain and the breeze-- honey from bees
and all that is sweet, so perfect, and new...

Flowers and fruit, and ginger root--
Mountains and valleys and skies that are blue...
Because- they're all part- of what's you

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