Silent Wedding

Why must he love me when he knows that I am subject to my birth?
When whom I love is decided by they whose words I cannot defile.
A Royal blood runs through my veins and to a Royal blood I must be married
And to him alone will I yield up my virgin's patent unto his lordship even though my soul consent not
Alas, my subject, your love has disturbed my senses that I should die if I'm not rescued
But shall I be freed from this plaque of love that so torments me? Emmh! and when?
O' Heavens, smile upon my state as I am loved and in love with one
Whom my birth allows no right to be loved by my Royal personage

I have two Royal Crickets who sing to me at night of love but love none
Alas, I love but one in my heart whom I worship as I worship God
And he calls ‘She Who Must Be Loved' and himself ‘He Who Cannot Stop Loving' me
But my birth has denied us union and placed death upon him for loving the king's daughter
For Fortune always frowns on those who love truly and dare to attain their desire

O my true lover, son of a plebian, seek you not my heart amore
For this is an unequal combination, and my father your king is troubled
Thus the pleasures of the Queen's Royal bed now remain unrelished
As true love in motion vanishes sleep at night and wakefulness becomes the curse of love
And I suffer from this wakefulness of love which is known to my Royal household
And I know more wakefulness lodges in your eyes, for with much love you bear me in your heart than I do

I fear tonight our love shall not live to see the dawn of tomorrow's night
As pride and honor has conspired to nib it off from its bud?
And soon you shall be led like a lamb to the slaughter house to cool the heat of love
Alas, the spill of your blood shall cleanse off the King and Queen's wakefulness
For nothing troubles the king's heart in his kingdom, not even true love for his daughter
But woe to love herself that will shed the blood of my true lover
And ere the light of life will be put out of your temple, taste you shall of the fruit of your love
But neither will my mother nor my kinsfolk attend my Royal wedding
Thus tonight, I shall but in your hut celebrate with you my silent wedding

O' my lover, tonight I shall with pride and honor grant you my favor in a silent wedding
For you have won my favor and with my body I give you my heart and soul and say me not nay
And think not who shall make your grave with stones when the sword of loving me shall claim your life
Alas, tonight I make my Royal body your grave-yard and my heart your sepulcher where you shall live forever
Therefore, kiss my breasts for my consolation and for your sweet eternal repose in my heart

Ravish my chastity, plunder my maidenhead, O' you poor son of a plebian whom my soul loveth
For pride and honor has conspired to make you a sweet taste for the worms of the earth
But with pride will I honor you with my maidenhead before your body worms destroy
And ashamed shall I never be to tell the glory of my plundered chastity by you whom I love
And never shall I allow myself to be attacked by expressions of love by any noble nor royal blood
Whereon, forever will I abjure the society of men to keep your sepulcher sacred and honored.
But alas King of kings, what have I done to deserve the absence of the man who deflowered me?

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