Ethan Wilson Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Death's Fears & Secrets (Blank Verse)

I have learnt some things about death recentl
this is what I have discovered

Death is a race, it is more then one being
It kills people everywhere everyday as it can't be everywhere

Carpe Diem

Seize the day and do not delay
Or else there be a worse price to pay

For it is your life to waste not mine

Death Is Not A Disease

Death is not a disease
It is not contagious
It should not constrict you to breathe
Yet it is a topic many people favour


I know a woman a lot like you
She dated a man a lot like me
They were so passionate and connected
Two souls together that were free

I'M Having An Affair My Love

I am having an affair my love
Not with another woman though and definately no man
I am having an affair and it is wrong
For it is with a passion that I do this, Not because I want but because I can

I Am A Monster

I am not a man or a hero
I am a villain a monster
I am the darkness in the shadow
I am what is left in the mass after

3 Hour Shift

Well honey I do not have a lot to offer
I can not drive, and I do not earn too much
With a three hour shift once a week
I may as well bu a smutch


There are those that write with ink
And those that write with blood
There are those that will die of a heart attack
And those who will die from a bullet

The Art Of Living

If a man could stand as tall
As high as a man could fall
Then should he not hide his height from all?

A Better End

Many people go through life
They live it out until they die
And it is said the life has a bitter end
Like a soul is a letter unopened and returned to send

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