Ethan Wilson

Ethan Wilson Poems

I have learnt some things about death recentl
this is what I have discovered

Death is a race, it is more then one being
It kills people everywhere everyday as it can't be everywhere

I am not a man or a hero
I am a villain a monster
I am the darkness in the shadow
I am what is left in the mass after

Death is not a disease
It is not contagious
It should not constrict you to breathe
Yet it is a topic many people favour

Seize the day and do not delay
Or else there be a worse price to pay

For it is your life to waste not mine

I know a woman a lot like you
She dated a man a lot like me
They were so passionate and connected
Two souls together that were free

I am having an affair my love
Not with another woman though and definately no man
I am having an affair and it is wrong
For it is with a passion that I do this, Not because I want but because I can

Well honey I do not have a lot to offer
I can not drive, and I do not earn too much
With a three hour shift once a week
I may as well bu a smutch

There are those that write with ink
And those that write with blood
There are those that will die of a heart attack
And those who will die from a bullet

If a man could stand as tall
As high as a man could fall
Then should he not hide his height from all?

Many people go through life
They live it out until they die
And it is said the life has a bitter end
Like a soul is a letter unopened and returned to send

The Road is a long one
When those who you love leave
But rest not for there is more to come
Keep pushing through this dark night you will see

Dedication is not a gift but a discipline
One that many wished they had control but the know not
Dedication owns us like a man has his sin
One vice controls a man's entire life if he he is lost

You say I am arrogant
And yet your mind isn't set
I have a lot of history
And memories I will not forget

Just because the mask has changed
Does not mean that the man has
Just because the night is long
Does not mean the day won't come

We will be gods you say
But I do not want to be a God
We will be perfect you exclaim
But no one is perfect


When they send us to hell
For destroying this damned world
When they send us
We will crumble hell to dust

He who dies in a golden coffin
Has lived their life with a soften
A soften heart and a soften mind
Was not adventourous and fell with time

What is left when our words are exhausted from our mouths?
What do we have when our actions go from north to south?
Will we be humans with organs or robots with calculating minds?
Will we be able to breathe fresh air or survive on a sigh?

We lay there in bed last night
By the shadows of glowing candlelight
You wore a summer dress and singlet
We kissed with a passion and I moved the ringlet

They where suits and walk down the street
They buy the morning paper and play political games
They act just like you and me
And they are at the top, basking in financial fame

The Best Poem Of Ethan Wilson

Death's Fears & Secrets (Blank Verse)

I have learnt some things about death recentl
this is what I have discovered

Death is a race, it is more then one being
It kills people everywhere everyday as it can't be everywhere
Unless it was more then one

Death is a secret, it is livings worst kept secret
For we are surrounded by death in life
Constantly we fear it, as it must fear us

Death has its fear, that is the end of everything
For when the universe is gone and nothing is left
Death end, and ceases to exist

Death plays its games, every few centuries or millenium
It lets us thrive to the point where we are too many
Then it kills us excessively in multiple ways

Death is merely us, though invisible
It wonders too, looking for something to do
While it wonder the universe
It has purpose

Ethan Wilson Comments

Ethan Wilson Quotes

It's not the lie that hurts us But the fact that we believed in it

I want a meaning like a dictionary definition

Open up and share your secrets with the world Because honestly; honesty will get you somewhere else

Maybe if I stopped telling people to keep the change I could...

The rich get richer The poor get bitter

'I will never be you...'

I don't need your forgivness

She's bad news on a good day

Roses and Truth have their thorns

The key to modern happiness is a lonely averageness

Living like forever means you're done before you start

I really meant to love you

Dream defines reality The way light defines my darkness

What if this is all I want to be? Would you still love me?

If life is home, then I'm not afraid to be homeless

Admiration or sympathy What you make of your tragedy is on you

You don't need vices, addictions or religion You just need a vision

We make love on the battlefield While we are at war with ourselves

I'd spill my guts to anyone who will help me clean up But there's only so many psychopaths you can trust

Susceptible to conspiracies Motivated by anarchy Tempted by peace Seduced by luxury

Angels choose their lovers While humans fall at the feet of others

The future has a place for us

The grass may not be greener on the other side But every grey day has a blue sky

If home is where the heart is Then I've been homeless since the day you left

The change I need is to stop changing

When all is right and gone I'll be what's left

I would ask for help But I've never met anyone with the right words to say

I just can't get comfortable in my own skin

You were my first and worst mistake The gravest error I ever did make

The last person will define our existence

We rest; not grow in times of peace We grow and change through adversity

A fresh start is more important than the guilt of the past

Once you lie They'll never believe you

You'll find me where the world ends

It's a matter of convincing myself and not everyone else

Whatever makes you stay true

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