Slavery Is Still A Major Mortal Sin Poem by Hebert Logerie

Slavery Is Still A Major Mortal Sin

No matter how we cut, curve or slice it
Slavery is still evil and a major mortal sin
Ill or bad treatment of other persons, men
Women, seniors, toddlers or children
Is truly diabolic. This society tends
To forget yesteryear. Cutting the hands
Of another person for stealing an apple
Or anything is inhuman, devilish and cruel
Slavery is the worst thing that ever happened
To humanity. This is low and heart-wrenching
Apparently, our forefathers have been rotten
In hell for killing or lynching God's children
No wonder why our world is so unmanning
And disgusting. We all have obviously sinned
The soil, where we are, was nourished by blood
By the pain of millions of slaves who've died in misery
Can we really be proud of our past, of our history?
Think about it. Think deep. History is a big lie, a fraud
Please understand what I am saying. Many famous writers
Orators, presidents, generals and merchants owned slaves
Brave men and women of darker shade were killed in caves
And slaughtered like animals. Should we be proud of inventors
Who have used Blacks as guinea pigs? Should we destroy
Masterpieces and classical compositions that were done
By people who have hurt so many? A black girl is not a toy
A black woman is not an instrument. We have been listening
For centuries to music created by thieves, rapists and murderers
We need to stop being hypocrite. Somebody, up there, is waiting
To punish us for our sins and our past, which are full of splinters
We unknowingly idolize criminals on a daily basis. If we were
To stop, there would no science, no music, no arts, NOTHING
We celebrate anniversaries of many racists and rapists. Let's ring
The bells of Freedom, so God can be easy on us. Let's swear
To be more human and humble every single second of the day
Let's show more compassion and stop looking the other way
When our brothers and sisters, regardless of the color, are in pain
Our past is a history lesson. Remember love comes before Heaven
Many years have passed and gone; and slavery is still a mortal sin.

Copyright © March 2019, Hébert Logerie, All Rights Reserved
Hébert Logerie is a writer in many languages.

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