Smile Empty Soul Poem by The Broken Poet

Smile Empty Soul

Im looking in the mirror
I see a lonely face
With out a soul
It vanished with out a trace

I cant find my way
So lost with out her touch
She’s the only one that can save me
Is that asking to much

A soul, once happy
Now crys out in spite
Sinking in the shadows
Of an empty life

Is it worth the pain
Is it worth the strain
On my already broken heart
Everything has fallen apart

Would you knowtis if I was gone
Why do you try so hard to move on
Do you not love me anymore
I guess its not worth it anymore

Bleeding for the truth
My life is spilling on the floor
You stabbed me with this knife
That shattered my love and destroyed my life

Cant you see, don’t you care
Or would you rather not believe
That im in this much pain
Well I am, its killing me inside
I wont let you here my silent crys

I need you to hold me to your heart
When I begin to fall apart
Tell me it well all be ok
Lit me know you’re here to stay

You’ll have my heart forever
I’ll be there through every endeavor
I’ll love you till the day I die
Id do anything to have you bye my side

Smiling empty soul
Hide all your pain, keep it inside
Your tears fall like rain
Don’t let them know how it feel to be you
Never show your true face
Give them no clue
You don’t want them to see
what you’ve been through
for they might not understand
they might abandon you

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