Song Of The Forlorn Poem by Raj Arumugam

Song Of The Forlorn

nothing I could bring
to your table
as any offering
could appease your anger
so you left
with no bud of hope
with no rainbow signs

nothing that I could say
would change your heart
nothing that I could do
would change your mind
and so you chose to go
and I had no way
but to wither and languish
all days of my life

I wasn’t a saint, sweet
though you filled
every moment of my life
with love and grace;
I didn’t value what I had, sweet
though you brought to
each second
love like the sunlight
that spread across
the morning sky

and the years have rolled on
and still I am alone
miserable in the shadows
of your memory;
and I wonder what you do
who you are with -
and still I wish you
though you hear this or not
every happiness and joy
the same you gave me
when we were together once

nothing I could bring
to your table
as any offering
could appease your anger
so you left
with no bud of hope
with no rainbow signs

happiness, sweet, you used to say
in a simple way
is always like an orange
glowing, perfect and delicate;
and love, each day,
you said, kept misery away;
and such happiness
I wish you
though you hear or not
though mine is bleakness
all my life
to the end of days

nothing I could bring
to your table
as any offering
could appease your anger
so you left
with no bud of hope
with no rainbow signs

Ashraful Musaddeq 12 July 2009

Lovely composition... with bud of desire and rainbow of imagination.

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