Sonnet: Good-Bye, My Friend! Poem by Dr John Celes

Sonnet: Good-Bye, My Friend!

‘Good-bye my friend’, I say, ‘Good-bye to you; ’
’Tis time I turned my boat from off your shore;
Our friendship stayed quite strangely pleasant too;
Now, I must leave to do things, many more.’

Great is the love that binds thick friends togeth’r;
Strange are situations rifting them apart;
Our friendship ought to stay on however,
Till from this planet, we both shall depart.

Disturb can none the moon when seeing earth;
Prevent can none the sun from sharing light;
Philosophers are in this world a dearth;
But still, the day must give way to the night.

Good-bye, my friend, for we are poles apart;
But let us hope we both do well our part!

Copyright by Dr John Celes 8-10-2000

Herbert Nehrlich2 10 May 2009

I do like the general layout and content of this sonnet. However, there are flaws that need not be there. Second stanza stumbles badly through the word situation. If replaced with a three syllable word it would work.Last line there is also awkward.Third stanza is rather poor and it is such a shame that the idea of the poem is worthwhile and the execution falls so far short. H

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Dr John Celes

Dr John Celes

Tamilnadu, India
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