Soul Reader Poem by Bella Ravenstar

Soul Reader

She can hear you thoughts
She can read your mind
She sees your true intentions
Your pure emotions
To her lies are as obvious as a dog deguiesed as a cat
She can see your soul
And what it longs
How close to heaven you are
Or far you roam
She can see your heart
You cannot hide
She can sense fallen angels
Temptimg sinners
She can sense
Angels pure
Who help the weak
She can hear the messenger
Speaking and guiding her
She can sometimes see the future
But only for the safety of her soul and others
She is wise
Yet she seems a fool
She can see and feel more than mortal men
A gift from above
Yet not many can bear it
Yet it comes at a price
Not for a carnal ransom
But for a higher pay
It costs much suffering
Much emotional strife
Depression, guilt, anxiety
Harsh life circumstances
Make them humble
Worthy of this rare gift
Few people are chosen
Yet not many know
These are not phyics
Goodness gracious no!
They are soul readers
Very fragile in deisgn
That's why God watches over them
Swifter than a lion
People and easily break them
Prey for they think they are weak
But God lifts them
And presses them on
Making their spirits strong
She is and they are soul readers
Treat them kind...

Bella Ravenstar

Bella Ravenstar

Southern California
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