Spring Poem by Peter Carr-Thomas


Spring by Peter Carr Thomas

Before, first ray Announces day, First warbl'r will, air tune; And more like it May do their bit, Under, a beaming moon.

Exciting Spring Will, duly bring Lots, of steady showers- All gardens will Onlookers thrill, With their lovely flowers.

It's true, to say In a Spring day, Many, at splendor stare; Always a smile Will last awhile- As part of flowing cheer.

The butterflies- In flight do rise, To find near floral stems; A bit more glee In one shall be- At sight of mingled gems.

Delight, oft lies- Inside the eyes, If bird in sight holds gaze- And, often too Fantastic, view- Does also chuckles raise.

Cute, busy bee- We hear or see, To bloom, it daily swings- In first act there It would appear- It petals hugs, with wings.

The unique, run Of season's fun, A warmth in heart it sets; It, soul delights- It mind, excites- My Thanks, Creator gets.

The floral hues That all amuse, In Spring in beauty peak: It's, reason why In numbers high- Its guests its petals seek.

In lovely Spring I laugh and sing While I, make light of ills- The ritual shows, In soul joy flows, In time of tunes or thrills.

A, fond farewell To Spring I'll tell, While, calendar it leaves; My mind it shall Its charm recall- It always gems retrieves.

Poems By Peter Carr-Thomas
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