St. John Of The Cross Writes Again Poem by Genova Maaa my mother

St. John Of The Cross Writes Again

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„But what the sorrowful soul feels most in this condition is its clear perception, as it thinks, that God has abandoned it, and, in His abhorrance of it, has flung into darkness; it is a grave and piteous grief for it to believe that God has forsaken it… For indeed, when this purgative contemplation is most severe, the soul feels very keenly the shadow of death and the lamentations of death and pains of hell, which consists in its feeling itself to be without God, and chastised and cast out, and unworthy of Him, and it feels that He is wrath with it…the waters compassed me, even to the soul, the deep hath closed me round about, the ocean hath covered my head; i went down to the lowest part of the mountains; the bars of the earth have shut me up for ever" (‚St. John of the Cross, The Dark Night of the Soul, (E. Allison Peers translation) , Bk.11, Chp. Vi, Cmp. Eckhart who says: „He acts as if there were a wall erected between Him and us" (Sermon lvii) .

Friday, September 1, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: mystical love,mystical philosophy
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