Stepping On Landmine Poem by Josephine Chifundo Likoya

Stepping On Landmine

Sad day to a sad face
I waited for this day to come
Not for me to be sad
The opposite is what I wished for
I thought I would rejoice upon the shining light of this day
Only to find myself in tears and sad thoughts
These sad thoughts felt like stepping on landmine

I have been talking to this girl for a long time
I befriended her thinking my wishes would come into reality one day
She was all I wanted in a girl
Her everything made me happy
I gathered some courage thinking it would work out
Unfortunately, she said 'NO' reasoning that I was like a brother to her
These words were as bad as stepping on landmine

I am not his brother anyway
The fact that I am 'like' his brother
Means I am not a brother to her
I tried to convince her but it yielded nothing
May be it was my fault letting her think I act like a brother to her

What else could I do?
I stepped on landmine
It hurts me so much
May be one day she will realize that I act like her brother
Because I care so much

Friday, June 17, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: heartbreak
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