Still? ? Poem by Namrata Pradeep

Still? ?

When I look back through are old days,
It makes me feel bad now
Yes! I feel so guilty
I knew things wouldn't last much
so I should have warned you
I shouldn't have dragged you till here
I know it hurts you a lot
You started it with a stone
and now I have made up into a rock
Can I say sorry for hurting you?
Can I say sorry for making you cry and weep?
Just forgive me once!
I know its too late for an apology
I had made you go through many hardships

The love we had once won't ever come back again
I spoiled the good moments we had,
I made you go crazy and weep like anything
I just wanna ask you that,
Can we be friends?
I know its too late
But I wanted to prove myself
that I really feel guilty on what I have done
I am not the same boy now,
changed a lot for good
You taught me what good and bad is!
You taught me what love and friendship is
You taught me how to love and to be loved
and now again you taught me that
I am a big loooser!
Thanks my girl, for everything we shared
It was great being with you.

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