Strong Love Poem by Marie Lynn

Strong Love

In a world full of hate and lies there still is a burning passion inside me. One that can not be contained in a mediocre job. I have a gift as I like to call it I can not write a novel but poems and stories I can. Here's a sample of what I am taking about.
Anna Love good is a passionate person. She has two jobs her first job is as a ranch owner. Her second is as a writer. Well known for writing what she feels at the
moment the pen touches the paper. It's as almost when she writes the world fades away.
A mustang is a wild horse with a burning passion like Anna she dares not let anyone in the way. When she saddles lightning bolt puts a halter and gets on the journey begins. Going fast is almost like flying. A clam walk through the meadow lands is the same.
Anna feels the fire burning passion that her and lightning bolt share. She is not afraid to lie down in a field next to lightning bolt. If lightning bolt were a human as you and I she would tell you her feelings to be free. Lighting bolt knows she will not be hurt by Anna as they are close friends.
By Marie Cochran
August 13,2016

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