Suffer The Little Children To Come Unto Me Poem by Louis Michael Hatch

Suffer The Little Children To Come Unto Me

"Suffer the little children to come unto me",
Words of wisdom, spoken, by our Lord.
They could well have been echoed by one who dared,
To tread where Jesus had trod.
A humble man who had a dream, born of sheer frustration
A destitute entertainer with naught to his name but fired by determination.
Danny Thomas is his name, St. Jude his patron.
To this saint, a pledge he made;
To dedicate his life, establish a shrine,
At His feet, his remaining coins, he laid.
His prayer was heard and answered, soon,
This man won world acclaim.
His promise he has kept, St. Jude's Hospital was built
Welcoming all children, who are sick or maimed.
No child is turned away, regardless of race, color or creed.
Unselfish people, dedicated to their work,
Not seeking glory or greed.
Their triumphs are legion, their research never-ending.
Their aim in life is to wipe out disease, to prove, there are those who care.
The Beautiful St. Jude's Hospital, Memphis, Tennessee, call it a shrine if you will,
But to Danny Thomas, the Lebanese lad, it is a dream fulfilled.
Financed through ALSAC, God bless all who you of their time and their money.
The sacred halls forever can echo, the words of our Lord:
"Suffer the Little Children To Come Unto Me."

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Louis Michael Hatch

Louis Michael Hatch

Pawtucket, Rhode Island
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