Sunset.....Evening And Night Poem by ritty patnaik

Sunset.....Evening And Night

the sun,
clad in firey orange, russet
returned, with glee
to be home,
behind the mountains.
whispered, to the trees,
serene mountains,
and the tired breeze,
to rest awile!
and to the flowing stream,
to have a peaceful night!

the valley
prepared itself to sleep,
in the crisp lightness
of a winter evening.
the butterflys
had sauntered home,
the cacaphony, and drill,
of the chirpy birds,
was missing in the field,
and the trees,
with a final rustle,
settled for the night,
peace prevailed,
sun went down,
it was dusk.

the ink of darkness,
got merged
in the etherial black
of the darkened sky.
creating a aura of silence,
and a colour stain,
in the black beauty,
of the night.
some dark feelings
ignited in the mind,
some dark memories,
frisked the heart

i wondered
from where did they come?
as the mountain, the streams,
all went to sleep,
in the lap,
of mother nature.

Raj Nandy 05 September 2009

Reading this poem I really felt, - I was viewing a large painting on a canvas that has been put up for sale! Such beautiful scenes must be captured in rhyme, - before they dissapear once more with our elusive time! 10! - Raj

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Indira Babbellapati 05 September 2009

very relaxing to read...

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