Survival Poem by Emily Cari Clifford


I know the rules of survival,
I’ve learnt how to become one of the crowd,
But some how I stick out,
Another target easily found.

I rarely stick my hand up in class
Even when the answer is universally known,
But with my written work it’s spotted,
Though I don’t want my intelligence shown.

I’m not anything special,
So why do they single me out?
Causing me to hurt myself,
With self harm and self doubt.

My skirts are just as short as theirs,
My ties just as small,
My attitude as nonchalant,
So why is my back against this wall?

The taunts they never change,
They can’t think of anything new,
They’re handed down through generations,
There is nothing that you can do.

Tell the teacher? You must be mad!
For these people travel in packs,
As soon as you get rid of one,
There’s another waiting to attack.

So you travel in groups,
With mutual hate that binds,
You all pick on those you consider lower,
People you don’t think as of your kind.

Look into yourself and you will find,
Not only the victim, but the bully inside.

Jurietta Duraan 17 April 2008

A profound truth you are writing.... all of us in our habitats are in a position to be bullied and also to bully.... very well written as well and with great insight.

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Emily Cari Clifford

Emily Cari Clifford

Caerphilly, South Wales
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