Swinging In November Poem by Star Dust

Star Dust

Star Dust

Loonytown (It's an awesome place, right between Candyland and the Strawberry Forest)
Star Dust
Loonytown (It's an awesome place, right between Candyland and the Strawberry Forest)

Swinging In November

This rusty old swing set is past its time,
I sway back and forth thinking of a rhyme,
Dead wood in splinters beneath my feet,
As I twirl in circles to a catchy beat,
I’m thinking of someone who’s stuck in my mind,
He’s everything right; he’s funny he’s kind,
I look over my shoulder with an impossible hope,
To see him walking down that steep slope,
But I can dream, cannot I?
I swing higher and my feet touch the sky,
My fingers are numb from clasping hard chain,
My ears are red but I don’t feel any pain,
As I glance up at a blurry silhouette,
They wave as if we’ve already met,
Yet their face doesn’t turn on a light,
I just stare guessing they’re just being polite,
I twirl some more,
And I can’t think of anything anymore,
Then him, then he,
Ugh, what has he done to me,
I guess I’m in love…

Star Dust

Star Dust

Loonytown (It's an awesome place, right between Candyland and the Strawberry Forest)
Star Dust
Loonytown (It's an awesome place, right between Candyland and the Strawberry Forest)
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