Taken Away By The Thruth Poem by chelsi Ruffing

Taken Away By The Thruth

When did I become your enemy?
What happend to out memory?
You seem to judge when its not right
Making people cry in the middle of the night
you never know a heart can be so precious
To some love can be so dangerous
Something so sentimental
feelings of the heart become so experimental
Getting hurt and trying to stay strong
But in a break up you still feel you were wrong
Trying to harder than ever to protect
Always in the end you're the one with the most effect
At first there is so much passion
But when it ends it feels like your in a dying prison
Starting to have random acts of mindlessness
Always in that state of consciousness
It's funny how it all seems to change
Drama fallows in a wide range
It's always an accident
Something they claim to be so very innocent
When it comes to the end again you stop your affection
You stop paying so much attention
You lose sight of what you are
You lose all hope and become so far
Losing your grip and about the hit the floor
All because that person just walked right out the door
Something good for you to know
Just because you hurt don't mean you have to put on a show
Yeah we all end up with a broken heart
And yeah it does feel like its been ripped apart
You don't have to be a pretender
In the end its going to get better
I know for a fact to say
That there's always going to be another day

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