Talk To My Heart Poem by Elizabeth Alejandra

Talk To My Heart

My heart,
sorry for treating you like that.
Love was inside of you,
I couldn’t see that it hurt you so much.
Sorry my heart,
but I am about to disconnect you.
I know that it would hurt you more
but it is the only way to protect you.

Please heart, let my mind work for you
That way no feelings are attached
and no one can ever hurt you.

Shut up! Don’t tell me to stop falling in love
I know how much you don’t want it
but all this pain helps us grow.

Heart, love does exist in our world.
Right now we just have to live without it
until our life is ready for more.

Please stop,
stop feeling and crying.
I will help you cure your pain
and throw away your desire.

Beat for me, I wont let you stop
there’s more pure love for us
waiting for the right time to come back.

Heart, we only have each other.
If you don’t help me with this one,
I'll never go through this without you.

Now I know now you feel much better.
Our faith and hope is much stronger
if we work in this pain together....

Heart, you've become so much stronger.
If someone tries to break you apart,
you wont be hurt, not much longer.

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