Talking To Heaven Poem by Robert Rittel

Talking To Heaven

Eternal incarnation of the unborn supreme self,
speaking all languages and observe in divine behalf.
The cosmic expression and ultimate creativity is maintained,
by luminous frequencies for the soul gained.
To grant the evolution of spiritual growth for all creatures,
in every life by discern of love captures.
Divine aspects of planetary energies in revelation,
for the children of the cosmos as education.
All creations of karmic /dharmic forces coming and going forth,
refining to the unconditional sphere maintained in that worth.
The rays of planetary light are able to move as far into the divine,
for the soul to become the saint and can from the pysical body resign.
The conscious universe is working behind the great force,
providing the nessary circumstance by birth of course.
By natures law of which the stars and planets are the central conduits,
transmission devices which work through bodily fluits.
Images by dreams and clarevoyance to communicate,
keeping feelings and inherited moods up to date.
Those different divinities are facets of the comic clock,
giving the superficial mind the idear of a rotating giganting rock.
Planetary deities reveal themselves by character of energy,
recognized by the years of synergy.
Seers in mature souls have direct visions of light auras as such,
able to give vital information to the individual and establish clarity very much.
As God displays the rainbow as message he send,
the image of light reflections as communication he ment.  

Monday, September 23, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: spirituality
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