Tannakin (Scene19) Poem by John Fenton Mcleish

Tannakin (Scene19)

scene 19
free at last
Anne is bedridden, she is dying.The hemorrhaging has continued.The loss of blood and the pain is increasing.She is using larger and larger doses of opiates to ease the pain.If this continues cardiac arrest is inevitable.
Anne is lying on her bed.The family and children enter, minus edward.They are sobbing.They gather round her, they know she hasn't got much time left.
'children, it's a beautiful day outside, why are you not playing? '
She gives each one a hug and kiss on the cheek, then she motions them to leave.She tells them to go play and come back later.She is alone for a moment then burghley enters.He walks over to her bed and sits on a chair beside her.He tries to contain himself but can't.He lowers his head and begins sobbing.Anne takes his hand, 'father', and looks into his eyes.
'anne', he sobs, 'I have failed you'.
She looks at him and smiles, reassuring him.Burghley continues weeping.Eventually he leans over and kisses her on the cheek.He then stands and leaves.Anne is alone.She can feel the pain coming.She leans over and picks up her bottle of medicine.She pours some into her cup and drinks it.She rests her head back down on the pillow.She begins dreaming of edward.Suddenly, she lurches forward slightly and gasps.Anne is in cardiac arrest.Her head then falls back onto the pillow.Her eyes roll back and she exhales her last breath.Anne cecil is dead.The family rush in and kneel by her side.They are praying and weeping.
(The camera is looking down on anne.It gradually begins rising through the ceiling and into the sky, slowly rotating as it does so.The screen gradually fades to white.)
// this poem may contain copying errors.

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