Tears Of Fire Poem by the angel princess of darkness

Tears Of Fire

how can love hurts this bad? ? ? ...
how can i own your heart but feel that you aren't mine? ? ? ...
how can you say you love me when you are hers? ? ? ..

Who am I? ? ?
what am i doing? ?
why do i love you this much? ?
when will you be mine? ?
how will i live this life i have chosen? ? ?
questions that runs in my mind day & night''

your thoughts lives in me every seconds i live
i live in fear day to day, night to night
i live in horror of you leaving
i live in nightmare every night you go home

when I lay in my bed now a days
i feel how cold my nights are
how uncomfortable my pillow is
and learned that i have forgotten how to sleep, & eat
i cant speak, write, or even think....

oh my pain, oh my pain
leave me alone
oh my heart, oh my heart
stop feeling for a while
oh my head, oh my head
stop think for now

watching the stars from my window
holding my cigarette in a hand,
my phone in other,
wiping my heart out,
from all the pain i feel,
of the thought you are with her now,
kills me slow every slow.

sometimes i ask my self
what if he loves her? ?
what if he found out he loved her all the time? ?
what if he knew that he cant leave her? ?
what if, what if what if what? ?
then my heart answers me with a sweet lie
' that you are mine'.

with out noticing my eyes drops tears
tears of fire,
tears that burns my face,
but it didnt hurt the way my heart hurts me.

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