Tell It To Women Poem by John Chizoba Vincent

Tell It To Women

Tell it to women
That men are not a dumping ground,
Why treat us like one?
We plant like paul and you water like Apollo,
then we wait for increase which one shares.
You don't expect us to plant and water at the same time.

Tell it to women
That we are who we are; men,
And the substance of who we are can not be overshadowed whether young or old, we are men!
Don't treat us like a stranger in the land we own,
You must go when we ask you to go,
That is the authority endowed us by nature in Adam.

Tell it to women
That men owns the jungle of life and its domain.
We have sucked the milk of the earth before they
Came from our ribs as a misleading companion,
A trait from their mother Eve made the world sinful.
I am not sexist but I speak from the truth of my pen.

Tell it to women
That we are the shadow that bake purity and love;
Created as their shield of living abundant life.
When we roar in the jungle, the forest is calm,
Nature made us who we are, men of courage,
Because we stand as god and can never be shaken!

Tell it to women
That the birth of our water from within are their
Beauty, show me a successful woman and I will
Gladly point out a man behind her success story which may lack behind her teeth after men are gone.
Their weakness has become our strongest stand!

Tell it to women
That their future lies in the house of a man,
Some may hop here and there glowing amicably
But their tomorrow still remains in men hand fix
Because men the world and we are the gods here.

Tell this to women
That men are not a dumping ground,
If men are why do they stand to pass out urine and women must bend in other not to wet themselves?
We have our shortcomings, yes, we are not perfect,
But treat us not as a mess which needed not to be attended to.

(C) John Chizoba Vincent
All Right Reserved 2016

Friday, March 11, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: lost love
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