Temporally Deluded? Poem by Bob Gotti

Temporally Deluded?

Are you clinging to this earth, or is your hope towards Heaven?
Have you experienced New Birth, or caught in religious leaven?
Is your hope in this world, or are you seated above with Christ?
In a time, to be soon unfurled, that begins an endless Paradise.

Is your affection on things above, or on temporal things below?
Is it our Lord that you think of, or the life you've come to know?
These questions, that Paul did ask, are questions we must face,
Being prepared for an eternal task, have we changed by Grace?

We've been changed for a reason, that is the purpose of Christ,
Transformed not for a season, but, transformed for Eternal Life,
We are to be heavenly minded, to point other people to Heaven,
But, some souls have been blinded, by Satan's religious leaven.

Sidetracked from our mission, some have followed man's ways,
Changing The Great Commission, in these darkened, latter days,
Some, even ignoring Calvary, influenced by man's tainted views,
As they slipped into apostasy, and share not God's Good News.

With our affections set on Christ, The Spirit transforms our mind,
Looking on, towards Eternal Life, we can leave this world behind,
Offering instead to each nation, God's unmerited grace and love,
Sharing with men God's salvation, as we focus on heaven above.

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti

New Jersey
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