Terrorists, Beware! Poem by P K Joy

Terrorists, Beware!

Terrorists, communalists and divisive forces,
beware! You can never, never subdue me.
If you slit my throat to silence me,
my ferocious soul will not let you free.
I’ll continue my war to vanquish you
and set free the world from your deadly claws
The terrorized world will sigh with relief
when you’re banished or brought under laws.
With devil’s ideology you’ve launched your onslaught
to subdue the world for your own gains,
With various kinds of terrorizing acts,
with no feelings for others’ pains.
Murder, gang rape, burn alive humans
and all other kinds of horrendous deeds,
As you wish you are committing daily.
To victims’ cries you’re paying no heed.
Across the world you have built your hideouts.
They serve as your workstations,
To threaten, terrorize and terminate targets
for the civilized world’s devastation.
You have planned your reign of terror
and to turn the world to a savagedom.
Founded on hatred and barbarity
You’re fast building your devil’s kingdom.

Beware rascals, dreaded rogues,
to annihilate you I’ve launched my fight.
The total world’s all noble forces will join me to wipe you out.
Conviction will give us strength to overpower your wicked force.
Nevertheless, I give you a last (last) chance
to give up terrorism and live in peace!

P K Joy

P K Joy

Mavelikara in Kerala State of India
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