That One Contact List Number! ! ! ! Poem by Raj Kashyap

That One Contact List Number! ! ! !

Well,153 contacts are there,
On my phone,
Still, there's a number,
I can't call or dare not to delete it.

Sometimes, we never know the value,
Of a moment until, it becomes a

From, meeting her in 2017,
To Saving her contact number,
In late 2019, with a lot of,
Heart emoji's.

Well, I got the no. from facebook,
But what did I know,
That I will not be able to,
Muster up the courage to,
Even call or message her.

But whenever my phone rings,
My heart beats louder,
Hoping that, that's it finally,
You called me.

I still remembered the days,
When we used to meet,
I still yearn for that,
Laugh of yours.

From loving yours,
High pitched Soprano voice,
To mesmerizing your beautiful eyes,
"As deep as ocean,
As dreamy as a starry night"

Still whenever it rains,
I still remember your,
Long beautiful wet hairs and,
That tea we used to drank,
In a Tea Ax.

Well, when we truly loved someone,
And then looks behind,
It's not the person whom stayed,
It's the memories that,
Last long forever.

Apparently, it wasn't your fault,
Hopefully, not mine,
That time was wrong.

Even today, when I visit the temple,
I used to pray for your happiness,
For your safety, for your wellbeing,
Not for me.

Now, you are no longer with me! ! ! !
But still that photo of yours with me,
Gives me the feeling of me being with you,
Forever! !

Well, hopefully today,
Or maybe tomorrow,
Or never ever,
I don't have enough courage,
To call you and talk to you.

If someone will ask me,
What's the best gift you ever got?
Though the best gift I ever got was,
My Parents, Your memories and your phone no.

I don't know why even today,
It all seems like a dream,
I know it's not a dream, it's a reality,
But still there is a fear that this,
Dreams may be broken somewhere.

"No matter what happens,
Some memories can't be replaced".

"Just ensure you have connections,
Rather than contacts"

- By Raj Kashyap…..

There's always a no. in our contact list which we don't ever dare to call or message... But always wanted to do it.
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