That's Where My Heart Dwells! Poem by Arun kumar

That's Where My Heart Dwells!

Yes, That's there my heart dwells!
In thy fragrance of flowers & greens,
Mountains, streams, rivers & rains
Amidst the beauty that never fades,
Amidst that beauty my heart dwells!

Amidst that charmous snow water chill,
In the forest deep, of birds' sing tale.
When the most sweetest touch of beauty rise,
Slow & calm from thy heart's deepest depth.
Yes, there there my heart dwells!

Where the honey of flowers that the wind,
Pure & cold, spreads the divine message of love!
Mad to sip her lips the bees spread.
There the solemn love under the sky pervades!
In thy pervasion of love my heart dwells!

In the blooming shine of tender greens,
And in the warmth of those sliding rays,
That makest her shy, the Kingdom arise!
Arise dear hearts to pour her path!
Among those hearts my heart dwells! !

In thy striking hit of sparkling eyes,
Sparkles which bright the world of mine!
Those sparkles, a bit, the hearts dare not to-
Gaze; to shun lose not but fail again!
In that list of lost my heart dwells!

On thy path with the wind, seeking-
Those rays of love & peace, stays
My heart, dear! atleast to colour thy feet!
With all my pace, with birds' bestowed fly.
Yes, in that hearts' plight my heart dwells!

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