Thats Not All. Poem by Nikki Benjamin

Thats Not All.

Sometimes I go home, sit and ponder
So many things come to mind that i wonder
I think about life and if I'm in control
Wondering what will happen if i let it all go
I'm so dedicated to life, making school my number one priority
But yet I ask myself. What if i made it a minority?
If I do so my grades will start slipping. My parents will start flipping
Asking what was going on, and if there's something wrong
Thats not all i think about though.

Sometimes i sit and think about my race
How people claim and spread its a disgrace
Thinking I'm not capable of what I know I am
I'll prove them all wrong starting with that boy Sam
I keep good grades making mostly A's
when people see that they are quite amazes
I don't know if that's not what they expected
Or just rejected the ideal of me being smart
That's not all I think about though.

My family. What do they think of me? Individually?
Or do they think of me and my sisters all as we?
Thats all I see
I want the world to see me, Nikki B
A smart african-american girl waiting, wanting to be free.

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