The Biodiversity Park Poem by Rizwana Sultana

The Biodiversity Park

Strolling in the woody park,
I walked on and on,
By numerous surprises of nature,
My attention was drawn.

As I walked among the trees,
My eyes did catch sight,
Of three weaver birds' nests,
Lain on the ground, so tight.

I picked up all three,
In my bag, I did store,
Curiously I went on,
And came across one more.

I kept on walking further,
When I found a Singapore cherry tree,
With its branches,
Full of many a cherry.

I plucked the green cherries,
And ate and ate till,
The tasty green cherries,
Were up to my heart's fill.

As I proceeded further,
I saw cocoons of butterflies,
Hanging on the branches,
To my heart's surprise.

Eagerly, I took out my camera,
And took its magnificent pic,
Nature's amazing gifts,
Never make me sick.

Then a flowering tree,
With flowers so fresh,
Pink and long,
Of gold-tipped bottle-brush.

The fifth surprise was a plant,
Breaking through the crack of a rock,
Captured my senses,
As I was busy in my walk.

The warm sun rays poured,
In the wilderness of the park,
But slowly the dwindling light,
Changed the afternoon to dark.

How many more surprises,
Exist in nature, I ponder,
I keep making out,
As I continue to wander.

Is nature stalking me,
Or I am, I am confused.
One by one, each surprise,
Makes me amused.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: nature walks,surprise
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