The Birds Are Coming Home To Roost Poem by Gold Trybes

The Birds Are Coming Home To Roost

Its now becoming evidently clear that the millions of people in Nigeria are disenchanted with the whole process.I can sit here and count on my fingers the so many constitutional abuses perpetrated during the Obansanjo era..How is it that no one in government has been able to summon courage thus far to probe the several vast estates, colleges and farms owned by this chicken farmer who hitherto 1999 had little or nothing.I see no justification for the likes of General Danjuma and coy who now open their sour tongues and castigate Obasanjo as if they were not jointly involved in the plundering of that country's resources..How is it that Anthony Anenih is now about the several billions of Naira he stole from road construction projects which up till today hasnt been accounted for..The list goes on..This haters of Nigeria continue to plunder our resources and when things go awry, they come back to the people pretending they stand us in our adversities..We're tired of the old generation that has never done us any good..but rather compounded our troubles..I hope for one day when it will dawn on this country that the only way out of our present quagmire is to do what Jerry Rawlings of Ghana did in bringing sanity to our country..The likes of Obasanjo deserves and i say emphatically no pride of place in our country's honor roll.He's a self seeking leader who has claims to be the messiah but left our country badly bandaged than how he met it..Its time for a revolution! ! !

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