The Bullies Poem by George Savige

The Bullies

Rating: 5.0

'Please don't tease me any more,
I've had enough, you see.
I can't help it if I'm small,
Leave me alone you three.'

They pounce on him, grab his bag
And throw it in the creek.
They are strong, when in a group,
But each of them is weak.

As a group they come again,
To rough him up a bit.
They grab his clothes, pull his hair;
They don't know when to quit.

Now the boy decides to fight.
He'll wait till they're alone.
He turns and runs and gets away,
Not stopping 'till he's home.

Next morning, bright and early,
He sets out for the school.
And waiting in the bushes,
He calmly keeps his cool.

He's waiting for the biggest
Of three to come along.
And in his heart he's happy,
He hums a little song.

At last the waiting's ended,
His quarry comes in sight.
He says to him, 'I want you.
It's our turn now to fight.'

With one punch, he did the job,
And just one punch was all.
No need for another one,
To see the big boy fall.

'I don't want to fight', said he,
And helped him to his feet.
Then two friends, went on to school
The other two to meet.

Instead of three, now there's four,
Within that group each day.
No more fighting on the grounds,
For those who fought, now play.

Ian Curtis 14 October 2005

a good story well told. good job

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George Savige

George Savige

Moe Victoria Australia
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