The Child Of A Mother Poem by Alandra Nicole Moreira

The Child Of A Mother

I stood by him
I worked for him
Came when he called
And stayed by his side
In the darkest of times

I looked after him
Every physical injury
Every emotional glitch
I even prepared him
For his future
Taught him all he needed to know

I knew that boy like the back of my hand
He was my boy
My child
I gave birth to him
I nurtured him
I loved him

So tell me why
He chose to leave
To fight
And to die

I'll tell you why
That boy was young
That boy was naive
That boy had heart
He had a soul
And when he had a chance to do right
He was just waiting for sign to start
The green light that meant go

He's gone now
Missing In Action they call it
But that boy, that man, that soldier
Was the child of a mother
He was a son, a brother, a father
He was a friend
He had a family behind him

So even though you may not have cared when his name was read off the roll
We did
And since then this world has forever been cold

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