The Children Cry Out Poem by Tony Kavuoti

The Children Cry Out

We violate one another more profoundly than anything ever depicted in the Old Testament.
The way we fashionably compete with one another without ever really connecting.
Modern day emotional gladiators where are most personal intimate life is a spectacle, our worst tendencies become trending and that's what we cultivate, while activelysuppressing anything decent about our selves.
We allow ourselves to be exploited,manipulated by the ringmasters ofdebasement,those with no shame destroy us from the inside out.
We give them status, we give them power, we give them shows,now we give them everything.
They promised to protect us but all they do is bring out the worst of us.
Yes we are protected, we are protected because we have insulated ourselves, lost ourselves in the crowd, lost ourselves in the crossfire,lost our selves in the debauchery.
Through the portals that connect us, we traded life in truth for entertainment and we lost all perspective, our inner compass on anything decent.
We turn on, tap in, connect to, y5, yb to be told what to think, what to feel, what to believe, what to be,
While we are slandering one another, being jealous of one another, undermining one another,The whole social economic system continues to accelerate in bringing out the worst, the most based tendencies and minimizing anything noble in us.
If you dopursuit sincerity, decency, transcendence through love,through real productivity to life, totruth, to honorit is seen as aform of clowning, or you will be slandered as a radical who refuses to make themselves predictable in this degenerating cycle of our system, of our society, of our humanity.
Perfect the art of subtly manipulating people, ofshamelessly destroying themand covering your tracks, of slandering people,of coming upon top while annihilating any that notice that everything you touch has become degraded,be the one to lead,the one to please, regardless of the means,and now you are healthy productive wise and a leader.
Narcissism is the new healthy way,is the new form of predictable healthy psychosocial development. What isnext,psychopath, all emotional attachment is simply a pathology and we will develop the art of physically, emotionally, morallydestroying one another even more profoundly,powerfor powers sake without any pretense of perfection,superiority or agreater good.It would seem that Hitler won, that we still honor those that abuse children like Hitler, Hitler's father and their followers.
The children cry out and true Life answers.
How, we may never know but do you want to be on the side of life or pseudo life.

tler's they're sure is there going going to have hitler's the worst of it not the worst of the West in any what the worst of the East the only what is nobility was offered his way is giving him what he wants which way to base ourselves abuse ourselves totally relate to each other in most places.

Flood save us bookstore and save us for nuclear and I'll ation save us or we save us are we going are we lost already.

Monday, August 3, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: humanity
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