The Cowboy Rides... Poem by David Welch

The Cowboy Rides...

The cowboy rides like a noble lord
across the dusty ground,
his six-shooter is his scepter,
a Stetson is his crown.

His saddle is a leather throne
from which he can survey
all his four-legged denizens
on far mountain and plain.

His kingdom is every shifting,
blazing trails across earth,
he rarely owns the herd and yet
he'll fight for what it's worth.

The children look upon him and
see a model for themselves.
Half-mythic, they see a hero
whose legend does them well.

Women look and see their fantasy,
with whom they long to ride,
to live as a cowboy's sweet-heart,
forever by his side.

Men turn their stare to the cowboy,
see what they hope they could be,
a pioneer calling the shots,
living a life that's free.

At rodeos they ride big bulls
that would break our spines,
by what power are they able
to last eight second's time?

On silver screens, in wilderness,
against evil they go.
They win the day and half the time
their names we never know.

They've stood for all America,
one hundred fifty years,
through chaos, war, and damn hippies,
and yet they are still here.

Keeping their long and lonely watch
in weather hot and cool,
the cowboy rides like a noble lord,
Forever may he rule!

Monday, December 24, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: cowboy,fun,rhyme,truth
Me Poet Yeps Poet 26 December 2018

when I rode my first horse I felt like a KING Till the horse went upside down was prepared to me kill I landed beneath but on his neck only pulled my reins and saved my skin he just then halted a mistake he had made he saluted I jumped of to save my skin

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