The Day I Found Out Poem by Crystal Williams

The Day I Found Out

The day I found out
Brought tears to my eyes
That my favorite big brother
Had been shot and died
At first I was shocked
And had many doubts
Tears rolled down my face
As I heard those words dropped my mouth
It's been a hard long year
Since he passed away
Each day that goes by
The clouds get darker and grey
Someday's I sit and reminise
On all the things we did
I feel I didn't appreciate
And took each day forgranted
Never did I think one day
My brother would leave me soon
He was my hero my friend
He was my sun, star, and moon
He had this way he'd talk to me
To get his point through
Never pushed me to the limit
To do things I shouldn't do
Now I look up to the sky
Gazing upon each star
Wondering which is his
But each one is still too far
I just wish one day
I could see his face
And talk to him
In them same ol' ways
But until that day
I'll sit and cry
Remembering the day
I found out he died

(Dedicated to my God-Brother Kevin F. Moore... R.I.P)

Crystal Williams

Crystal Williams

Sacamento California
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