The Dead Poets Society Is Alive Poem by david lessard

The Dead Poets Society Is Alive

Rating: 5.0

if your going to publish
your own poetry,
Make it your own,
not someone else's -

The Dead Poets Society
was a movie,
based on poets who
are with us no longer.

I have seen evidence of them
alive in these writings,
under a diffrerent name!
I won't say it's you
or who's to blame.
But this is serious stuff,
no silly game.

You probably know who you are,
if not, I do,
It's never good to
speak the words of Millay,
unless you honor her,
with her own name.

Sonnet # 2; Time Does Not
Bring Relief,
You All Have Lied,
is a favorite of mine,
To see someone else's name,
is just a crime.
Go back and erase them all,
if you can find the time.

She Was A Phantom Of Delight,
is also yours you claim,
But William Wordsworth,
was the writer, not your name.
I'm sure there's others,
that you have penned as yours,
Please stick with
your words and thoughts,
even if your bored.

We all can't be like Dickinson,
or the giant, Robert Frost,
But we can give people pleasure,
At little or no cost.

If we can make one heart happy,
without being syruppy or sappy -
Then, by God, we've done it well,
The rest of you can go to hell.

Don't take offence, I'm joking,
It must have been something
that I'm smoking -
I really mean to please,
but I'll not get on my knees -
Pardon me while I sneeze,
and belch, fart and wheeze.

I take my verse quite lightly,
especially these last few lines -
But I'm headed out of here,
before the next hour chimes.

To go back for just a moment,
Please, make sure it is your work;
To copy someone else's,
just shows that your a jerk.

Carol Gall 18 July 2009

david i like this well written verse

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david lessard

david lessard

gardner, massachusetts
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