The Dream Poem by Angel Valdez

The Dream

Living in the Dark, never leaving any sight.
Seeing my Dad, every night every minute of the Day.
Scared, Never me? Before...
Biggest Fear, Of Falling asleep.
Always knowing there was no one to hear my screams.
Always knew never a little light to prove me wrong.
Shedding Tears was what i did Best.
If i were ever to get untied, what will the world be like?
Having the world in one hand and the other in the other hand.
Pickng wrong when there was an easier chance of picking right.

Seeing the Light for the first time, an Open Door;
That excited Tingle, Seeing the one I love helping me out.
Getting untied; I didn't know how!
Being able to walk again, and my knees not falling.
Hoping that with my Disguise, I don't lose track of time.
Always close to being able to leave and escape my Dreams.
Never Fast enough, Never Slow enough. Which one could it be?
'Angelita, Ven conmigo' he shouted.
I get stronger and stronger.
I turn around in a heart beat, and pof he's gone.
My guardian Dolphin Necklace, was back around my Neck.
It glowed!

Never to be return! As I thought.
'The lights gone' I panic.
Than I noticed it was never gone to begin with,
He was always there to help me and stay closer to me, Than I thought!
Was my Imagination, Created? Was he there to help me or prove to me that i can do it, just put my heart to it.
I waited and I waited! Until the next Visit.
I realized. It's me that isn't trying to escape, what I thought I never could.
I tried And I tried!
The rope untied.
I was Free.
Feeling tested?
And I'm ready to dream once again,
After I get my Good-Night kiss!

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