The Final Good-Bye Poem by Kayla Solano

The Final Good-Bye

I can’t ever get you off my mind,
When I close my eyes at night,
The memories of you are forever alive,
It is hard to concentrate on my work,
Cause you are all that runs through my mind,
The day that you hit me,
Even cheated on me,
It simply broke my heart,
So I left,
But yet you are still here in my heart,
The divorce is almost final,
But yet you still talk to me,
If you didn’t love me,
Then why do you sit there and keep saying it,
I am braking into,
And all you are doing is making it worse,
I wish that you would leave me alone,
And never again remember the love that we once shared,
You put me through so much pain,
That I believe,
I will be scarred for life,
You left a hole in my heart,
And now you expect me to go back,
I can’t cause I have simply fallen for another,
He cheats me a whole lot better than you ever did,
And I can simply say,
I love him more than I ever loved you,
My heart is slowly getting the pieces back together,
And maybe one day you will see,
That we weren’t meant to be,
You won’t ever again break my heart,
Nor hurt me physically,
Or even cheat on me,
I am through with you for good,
And now you are heart broken,
I don’t care if I hurt you worse than you hurt me,
But this is it,
My final good-bye! ! !

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