The Garden Of Eternity Poem by B.L. Louter

The Garden Of Eternity

Towering oaks and lapping lakes
Listless joy and buoyant mirth
Stabbed by a leery flake
Collected with a frozen rake
Cast upwards by a careless tool
Tears are the source
Of the discs that appear
Scattered on that listless pool
A blazing coal is the sacred thread
binding together the broken bones
and wayward flesh
Of those who lie in lonely beds
Listening for a sound or tone
That will carry them home
Bleary globes and tarnished minds
Lapse in ponderous months
Leaning in for rhythms of spring
Peering through the dirty blinds
Hoping for a subtle sound
A hidden vault of pleasure
Of which there is no measure
No bounds, no door
No ceiling and no floor
Hidden far from mediocrity
In a garden of eternity
With gates of brass
and walls of leather
Here we're kept, safe forever
Filled with thoughts and time,
Blankets of love and pieces of glass
Shield my heart from grievances past
Sipping back memories, rich and black
Stirring the pools of murky vision
Beneath the ellipse of Mystery
Inside the dreams and fantasies
A glimpse so elusive and pure
Haunting me, heating me,
Scalding my heart with vitality
Burning my lips with your essence
Never losing that allure
that unforgettable, un-regrettable
seizure which gripped my soul
Your love has taken its toll
Your mark has seared my chest,
The heart inside my breast
seems is not intact;
For but one pillar it lacks
A touch, a kiss, a sweet caress
A silent hill to feel your pulse
Racing like a wild steed
A hollow cove to see the sky
All the heavens in your eyes
You're my soul, my heart
My blood flows when were apart
But with every dropp I bleed
More and more a pressing need
Far from being bereaved;
A passion that's truly believed
The ropes have redoubled
and the cords are thick as night
And secretly we tied them
In the waning light
By the silver sphere, I held you close
We stood alone,
But no one Knows
Piercing space and wounding time
We traveled beyond the frame
To a place where flowers are roses
And words are rhymes
Every moment majestic,
Never constant, never the same
Burning in a fever-dream
Of lucid and pulsing clarity
And darkness revealed
As ripples 'cross a placid mirror
Bounding between verse and scheme
Beneath the cloven stones concealed
deep within the plots and fields
A root stronger than steel
Yet soft as a breeze
Quick to forget, but quick to seize
Brandishing victory in your palm
Waving it about like a banner
In the tempest there is calm
In your manner is a flood
A storehouse of tears,
Joyous liquid
Sent from above
to heal the broken
and soothe the shattered
As if these trials mattered!
Return to that hidden Garden
Undo the mossy lock
Swing the rusty hinge
No one's looking at the clock
No one's asked you for a pardon
In solitude with one's soul
Once again you'll be made whole
By the waters edge Ill be
Waiting for a day or for eternity
Listening to the soaring wren
high above the lily and rose
Walk through that gate again
It will never close

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