The Girl In Red Poem by mohammed shaadab

The Girl In Red

Rating: 4.8

Behold that lassie in kermes gown,
Ambling down the hill with grief,
Still as dropping feather,
Wet than teeming weather,

Her warm kissed lips moist in mist,
As dew resting on Rosa,
Yet missing glare,

Her mien icing the raging sun,
As floe in solitary ocean,
But never hath a vanity on her boon,

Plodded like a spotted doe,
Dint knew where to go,
Though lashes weary of flicks,
And breathe as imparted curse,
But roving to hunt past love,

Her enchanting eyes unsettled,
Lost in finding,
Like blue bird at sea,

Her curled waving hairs,
Fazing her alluring face,
No hand to slip them behind,
Every feel unworthy her care,

Clasping heart like bud,
Veiling its soul of desire in petals,
Never which did it unfold,
But agony in that tears,
Letting her appeal in giedd's,

Her shape sculpt,
With elegant of fine delicacy,
As a mirror of Aphrodite,

Her cheeks wiped endless weep,
No creation of creator concerned,
For their envy of her modest beauty,

With no note left,
She melted as not been before,
I wonder was my fantasy,
Or true lover spirit.

Romeo Della Valle 23 September 2012

Beautifully inked! What a thought provoking and romantic write that clearly shows your great feelings and talent! 10+++ Thank you for sharing and keep it up! May the Mighty One above bless you! Romeo-New York City

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