The Haves And Have Nots Poem by Bob Gotti

The Haves And Have Nots

There are the Haves and Have Nots, men living out their cast lots,
Living their life, are all of those, on a course they have not chose,
When or where they were born, or even why, as some have sworn,
Men all living out their daily life, some in peace and some in strife.

There are those who have everything, and in this they joyfully sing,
With all they need and all they want, for a lack of, they don’t grunt.
All needs and wants, they possess, without even a second guess,
Where or how, they can acquire, their every want and every desire.

There are those with every need, so the family they’re able to feed,
But, they don’t have, every desire, that fleshly wants would inspire,
They may have very little to spare, in cupboards, humble and bare,
While knowing not what lies ahead, they’re thankful for daily bread.

He who presently, does have a lot, may be in the future a have not,
While he, who has little my friend, could have much gain in the end.
All earthly gain is temporal at best; you lose it all, when laid to rest,
What you had your day of birth, you will have when laid in the earth.

While upon earth, did you secure, that Gift of God that will endure?
God’s enduring Gift of Eternal Life, through The Lord, Jesus Christ.
From Who, you gain eternal reward, when you know Christ as Lord,
Or bypass the Cross of Calvary, and you’ll be a Have Not eternally.

(Copyright ©11/2009)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti

New Jersey
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