The Imperfections Of Me Poem by Perry Biggerstaff

The Imperfections Of Me

Rating: 4.5

I'm an unfinished product
A work that's in progress
Though I no longer call myself young
I'm flawed and I'm broken
I'm a promise unspoken
and a song that may never be sung

Though I'm dumb and I'm blind
I'll not be definded
By what I dont hear or can't see
I gladly will take
each days small mistake
and love the imperfections of me

I've spurned some romances
taken risks, ignored chances
I've letters that will never be sent.
There are regrets and there's sorrow
and perhaps my tomorrow
may be a day that I've mispent.

I'll not know perfection,
my misquided inflection
will not mar my lifes destiny.
Call me broken and hollow
but the path I will follow
helps me accept the imperfections of me.

The worlds litmus test
that demands but your best
is not for a wandering heart
I'm distracted, its true,
by warm winds...skies of blue
that sets this daydreamer apart.

My oft broken stride
leaves broken dreams on each side
But I'll be who I'm meant to be.
Since nothing is owed
on my strange crooked road
I embrace the imperfections of me

Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Topic(s) of this poem: acceptance
John Brown 26 September 2012

A perfect example of how to deal with one's faults and failings. I like this one. Well written.

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