The Invigoration Of Self Poem by James Darwin Smith II

The Invigoration Of Self

The invigoration of self
Vastly incomplete
Must find a way to travel
Beyond my wildest dreams

Searching, searching for anything
To go beyond and all

So tired of being stuck
So tired of feeling so small

Same old, same old redundant days
In such a dull and repetitive daze
Yearning for something brand new
To keep this energy lit up
Beyond where it has been before

Growing restless for an adventure
So tired of being bored

The need for many profound experiences
Is to finally travel beyond these dreams
To find the muse of these enduring expectations
Is what this imaginations yearns for
Of these clearest visions pristine

What can I do now?
Where do I go from here?
How do I achieve anything?
Digging deep within empty dreams?

If only I could make something happen
Some way or another find ways to finally succeed
Achieving things I have always wanted to achieve
By firing myself up to the highest peak of this passion's degree
Then climbing within a peaceful awakening
While finally setting myself free

That for which could be taken for granted
Is something I need the most

I have to throw away any urge from far away
Only to hold sacred things so near and so dear
Giving out every ounce of this positive energy
Destroying this once gigantic now paltry fear

A vibrancy that cleanses
All of the remorse
Of not doing the things
That I have always wanted to do
The least I could do
Is make myself uncomfortable
And do them all

Nothing is far fetched
So much can be earnest and free
Somehow I must believe myself
So I can take a journey
Like I have never taken before
While creating positive energy
That so full of light
Surrounding me, captivating me
Towards a soul's journey to the greatest of great beyond

This releasing of self
Is such an overdue invigoration
To aspire to beyond the current me

I was never meant to be stuck looking back
But only going forward and wherever else
I can go from here

I have to be brave to myself
Can no longer live inside my own shield of fear

The invigoration of self
Still vastly incomplete
Still, I must find a way to travel
Beyond my wildest epic of dreams

I must no longer accept self-defeat
I have to believe in myself
I have to set myself free

I have to work hard and better myself
So I can finally set myself free

The invigoration of self
Finally needs to be completed

I want to try bettering myself
So tired of living incomplete

I need to free my future self
From the slavery of the current me

So the invigoration of self
Can finally become complete

Dreams, may they finally be a reality
There are no limits in what I can finally achieve

I must believe in myself
I must believe in me

This invigoration of self
Will it soon finally be complete?

In the end all feel a sense of achievement
Is that too much to ask of me?

The completion of self
Are the dreams of dreams I wish to achieve

Unfiltered, unlimited, unclean

The completion of self is the wildest of my dreams

The invigoration of self
Still vastly incomplete

But for now that is all fine by me

Unfiltered, unlimited, unclean

All in all, all I am is me

Written on 6/4/18
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