The Kind Tree Poem by Rizwana Sultana

The Kind Tree

Since I was a tiny sapling,
Till I transformed into a mighty tree,
I am fixed in one point,
Whatever the weather may be.

Standing lonely in my place,
From my birth till death,
Spreading my branches on either side,
With a leafy carpet underneath.

My fruits hanging like tassels,
Adding beauty to surroundings,
And the nests of birds and insects,
Dangling downwards like swings.

To all living organisms,
I am always ready to accommodate,
Be it an innocent squirrel,
Or a black beady-eyed snake.

I stand getting drenched,
At the time of heavy downpour,
Tolerating the ferocious storm,
And the lightning that roar.

When the sun creeps through the clouds,
I myself bear the overwhelming heat,
Under the open skies,
Just for you, the hotness, to beat.

I give you fruit, I give you shade,
As for this purpose, I am made.
At the same time, I purify the air,
And supply fuel to burn anywhere.

How much for you do I care,
You can never envisage,
I provide you innumerable benefits,
Still you hew me and damage.

As the wind screams,
I hum my tune of loneliness,
My inner self, I make strong,
To fade away my sadness.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: tree,trees
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