The King's Sword, Part 5/5 Poem by Flying Lemming

The King's Sword, Part 5/5

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A party thrown the sword recovered
With lots of drink the folks were smothered
And soon the whole town was all laughs and claps
Everyone was full of cheer
Supping quite a lot of beer
And soon the king’s platoon had all collapsed

Every guard had lost his head
That is the ones who were not dead
But in the mayhem someone was quite sober
He searched around and found in place
A hidden door with, in a case
The precious sword, which all this fuss was over

In one swift move he smashed the trunk
And dug through all the packing junk
To find the gold expensive tool of war
And hiding it inside his jacket
Sneaked back out into the racket
Then ran so fast he hardly touched the floor

The king who had heard the crash
In through the hidden door went smash
And found the sword was gone from him once more
When this was learnt by everyone
The king said 'I'll now stop the fun
By telling everything from the first war'

He told of how the fakes were used
And how their trust had been abused
He'd understand if they wanted him thrown out
Silence was at first the sound
Then came a cheer from all around
'Long live the king' came the public's shout

The king he could not comprehend
Why they wanted to be friends
After the lies he told so bold
Then from the crowd there came a voice
'You really are the public's choice
We don't care what type of sword you hold

It may be fake, it may be real
We have no preference in this deal
It could be made of gold, wood or tin
You still lead us into fight
And battle hard with all your might
Because of you we know we'll always win'

The king thought hard, could this be real
Is this how they really feel
Led on by me and not a golden lie
He saw the faces in the crowd
And felt very big and proud
'I shall never lie to you again' he cried

You may ask how I know this story
Of the swords a tale so gory
And where the sword is now you'll ask of course
Well I have travelled quite a lot
And all the info I have got
Has come to me from every type of source

This story was all told to me
By someone who was once greedy
He stole the sword but then he saw the light
He tried to take it back to them
But they didn't want it back again
Without it they were coping quite all right

Where is it now I hear you say
Well as I pass my weary way
I pick up things, and here I would not kid
I have that famous sword of gold
And now its story has been told
You can have it, only twenty quid

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