The Last Fight Poem by Janelle Bushnell

The Last Fight

I seem to tell him everyday,
'The drugs are becoming more important than me' I say.
I can't just forget, I cant just leave.
The love I have for him is more than anyone could ever believe.
I constantly remind him who I am,
Even though he's way too high to understand.
The girl you fell in love with, before it all started.
Before your mind and your soul departed.
Leaving him would be useless for he wouldn't be gone.
His touch, his grace, even his smell lingers on.
I seem to tell him everyday,
'The drugs are becoming more important than me' I say.
He has me trapped in some sort of hold,
Because underneath I know his heart is still gold.
He's still the boy who I know and love,
It's just under the drugs and not above.
It used to be seldem, maybe once a week,
Quickly, rapidly, the number increased.
It seems like now he's in a constant daze.
His mind is in this never ending haze.
I'm always there when he gets caught,
my stomache rolls and twists in a knot.
I see the cars, and next the lights,
I pray to God that he won't fight.
Is it asking too much to be who you used to?
The boy I could cuddle and always be close to.
I seem to tell him everyday,
'The drugs are becoming more important than me' I say.
In the begining it was all fine,
The love was there and he was all mine.
But one of these days somthing will go wrong.
They won't be able to restrain him, when he's high, he's too strong.
He would never hurt me, that's why I'm there.
So I can get in the middle, to prove that I care.
One of these days it will get out of hand.
His soul will fly to another land.
I'm seeing the cars; I'm seeing the lights.
In my heart I know it's the last fight.
This time I stay hidden away,
Nothing can stop him, when his mind is this way.
I prayed it wouldn't come, but now it's gone.
The shotgun was the only thing that was just as strong.
They find me hidden, crying, and pleaing.
They think he hurt me, that's why I'm bleeding.
No, I need to be with him; Till death do we part.
I just wish I never let him into my heart.
I seemed to tell him everyday,
'The drugs are becoming more important than me' I seemed to say.


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