The Light Poem by O. A.

The Light

The Light

What is the light?
Why is it so important
To so many people in their lives?
Where is the light?
Why do so many folks
Claim to have had its influence
In their forsaken lives?

Aglow, aglow
And there still is no show
Of a heavenly presence, only that we know
That over history, the light was there, time and time again
Revealing itself in the deepest, darkest corners of the mind
Influencing great people, and ordinary people at the same time...
Like a burning candle lit against the winds of change
Like a flickering lighthouse on the sea of human remains
Like a greeting from Death and all his friends just the same
Like a neverending fountain of youth, filling with neverending rain...

The Light has shined bright
At times of need, when people needed to see
Where they were going, where they were to lead
When it was time to repent, and get on their knees
What they were to do, and how they were to do it too...

But the Light
The Light has never shined so bright
For people who did not question its powers in hindsight
For people who kept a faith well beyond its magical fight
For people who knew there was much more to this pathetic life
For people who accepted change in their lives
As something natural tonight...

Like Ghandi who sought to change lives
Like Mother Teresa who also sought to end hunger and strife
Like Terry Fox who also sought to inspire us with his life in many ways
Like George Floyd who as a symbol reminded us of things that still remain
Like Martin Luther King who sought to inspire us with words of change

But the Light
The Light
Is something poetic, and asthetic that creates waves
In the shores of the mind, each and every time it shines
Like Jesus Christ walking on water to you
Like turning water into wine for you to imbibe
As a symbol of everlasting life
In a communion of the times
The Light shines bright
The Light dares to be great
For all time
For all time

Because the Light
The Light
Is a symbol of Love
Like God's index finger
Reaching out to heal the world
To every Boy and Girl, unfurled
Like the ceiling of the Sixteenth Chapel
In a picture perfect portrait
That depicts the beautiful semblance
Of a world on fire with God's Love
In a momentous thing now learned...
That the Light
The Light
Is something to be earned
Is something to be earned
By anyone
Who yearns
To be guided
By a Powerful Love
In the darkest days
And in the darkest nights...


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