The Lotus Poem by Aminath Neena

The Lotus

Rating: 4.0

Growing in the deep wilderness
Amongst dozens of succulent buds
Bloomed a single white lotus
Her habitat, a glassy lake in the ruins
A traveler passing by
Was captivated by her unique elegance
“I would be humbled if mademoiselle
Would take refuge in my garden
For I shall build a magnificent pond
And nurture you like no other
With my gentle caresses I shall
Transform you into an eternal bloom
And make you an immortal being
Making sure that you never perish
With the violent hurdles
Of life’s raging tempest”

Folding her delicate petals inward
The lotus whispered, in velvet lace
“I neither want immortality nor do I
Need an impressive environment
I only need your love and affection
And your hearts undivided attention
For I know that before me, many such flowers
Would have bloomed in your garden
And withered away, without your knowledge
Content I am in this lake
So please good sire, do let a poor girl be….

Deeply affected by her refined manner
Change himself to a hermit, he did
And built him a dome, in the ruins
To become the caretaker of the lake
To this day, he still remain,
Staring at the single white lotus
Growing in the deep wilderness
Among dozens of succulent buds

Sidi Mahtrow 20 February 2012

Poems you write While others seek To with words indite A spirit that is weak. Yours is a message From the heart With words that wage An image, to impart. Write On! s

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