The Love Of My Life…. Poem by Wilson Santiago

The Love Of My Life….

I have always thought that I’m all alone, have no one else to call my own,
And yet you came out of the blue, and save me from this darkest hue;
An angel pure of light you are, completes my day and empty hours.
Your thought would always makes me smile, which makes my heart jumps out a while.

Alone I am, always been thinking of you, those joys we have, my mind review…
Though far I am seems only near, when I hear your voice so loud, so clear…
I wish I could be near to you, with rose in my hand and words so true,
Though all these things were dream come true, it’s always hard for me to do…

So far from you always make me blue, when I close my eyes you fade from hue.
How can I tell I love you so, when miles apart is me from you?
Yet, this my love only I know, that I would not ever let you go;
So this darling I plead to thee that only you I love for eternity….

When I come back you, I’ll bring a present only for you,
A ring will seal my love that’s true, a circle meant I won’t let go.
And when time would come you hear the wedding bells, only one thing to you I’ll tell;
My Precious love, you are my love…..The love of my life……

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